
STEM Activities for Children: Tips for Homeschooling Parents

After years of research on STEM education for pre-schoolers and elementary students, we've got a lot to say about the importance of block play for young children as well as the importance of STEM mentors. In fact, our research shows that mentors (teachers, parents, grandparents....) aren't simply important—they're critical in helping children feel confident and capab...

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A Better Bedtime Routine – getting the kids to go to bed

I came across a bedtime routine while reading Parenting With Love And Logic that sounded so crazy I had to read it three times before deciding to put it into action. Let the kids decide when to go to sleep. My brain was spinning. “WHAT? !? We would be nuts to consider it!  No way, no way… NO WAY! Hmmmm…. what we’re doing isn’t work...

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